Monday, June 4, 2007

Rock Stars

Last week, I happened to see the same type, at a pub, on Brigade Road; rock stars. The name of the pub was "On da Rox", if I remember correctly, a name, which upon seeing itself, I knew, would bring the same old shit back, again. Nevertheless, it had been quite some time, and so my friends and I decided to step in, and check it out.

The place brought back all-too familiar memories. It was gloomy and dark. A lot of gringos sitting around here and there. Plus a whole lot of uptown rich folk, lounging around, sipping on beer and cocktails. Fag smoke and suffocating fumes floating around everywhere. And there, in the corner, fagging away, were the rock stars. The same old, low cut jeans, hanging around the groin, oversmart-dialogue T-shirts, canvas shoes, the fag-reeking breath, the beer mugs ... the same old sickening crap. Oh! And I forgot the attitude! Loads of it. Every alternate word being the f word, the fake accents, the hi fives, the chicks, whom they treat like broads, and so on. Plus the hairstyles and goaties. It was all there. What wasn't there was the music, because when they came on stage, they revealed their true colours. I'm trying not to use the f word these days, but I just have to use it for these guys ... absolutely f-all processors and patches. The guitars sounded more like chainsaws grinding against wood. The vocals were horrible. The only saving grace were the drums, which were good. Overall, it was like listening to the sounds out of The Exorcist. It was disgusting; I had to leave the place in two minutes.

Why is there so much show? So much attitude? So much fagging and doping? So many f-words? Its crazy, and it doesn't make sense at all. In another couple of months, I come back to Delhi, and get back to a very similar rock circuit. The same old people, who think they are demi-gods, just because they can hold a guitar in their hands, and play a couple of chords; because they can twiddle the sticks in their hands, when they can't even hold them straight; because they listen to heavy metal, nu-age "shit", and deth and that's supposed to be cool. Guys my age ... kids, who have either lost their sense of priority, or whose parents have too much money to spend on them. Its sad and disgusting at the same time.

Get your priorities straight, my dear rock stars; you're just going to end up as losers, like the rest.

PS: Speaking of rock stars, Feedback is RSJ's current Indian-band in focus. Check out our interview:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i may not be familiar with ur kind of "music" but i can completely relate with fakers, who try to obtrude their meager talent in a desparate attempt to gain popularity.