Wednesday, May 30, 2007

By the grace of Kukulkaan!

Robin, had been driving me crazy, all morning, with these allusions to "the great god Kukulkaan". Now as we raced across the platform bridge at the station, my heart was in my mouth, and I was seriously hoping that we would not find poor Rumana, waiting there for us. As we ran, weaving through the sea of people, like a couple of C.I.A agents on a crowded ' D.C street, he turned back to me, in his flashy Ray-Bans and said, "Fear not o' little brother, for the great lord Kukulkaan is with us." By now I was furious, and had given up replying to these stupid Kukulkaan statements of his.

We reached the platform, racing, and out of breath. And like clockwork, just as we ran onto the platform, Rumana's train was pulling up, and I heaved a sigh of relief. She did not have to wait for us! Then Robin, again turned to me and said, "See? The might of the great lord Kukulkaan." Relieved and bemused, I laughed, and hollered back to him "You're crazy!"

Rumana stepped daintily out of the train carriage, looking pretty as ever, and fresh as a daisy. Robin, whooped with joy and lifted her up in a giant bear hug. I still panting, but relieved, and bemused by this whole Kukulkaan episode, chuckled to my self, "He is always, bang on time, and never lets her down. So this thing works, indeed! By the grace of the great god Kukulkaan!"

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