Thursday, June 14, 2007

Optic Flow Field Segmentation and Motion Estimation Using a Robust Genetic Partitioning Algorithm

Yeah, that's the name of the paper I'm trying to get through. Trying to comprehend the very meaning of the paper title took me about an hour. It's almost been a day ... a day of banging my head against a brick wall ... and only ending up smashing it into pulp! This paper would put a Spartan to shame, from all the looks of it. It is impenetrable, and it just won't let me by. Seeing this paper brings back horrible, and forgettable, past visions of NSC, drifting in. There are enough epsilons, betas, rhos, Ws, Xs, matrix multiplications, inversions, transposes and complements to make even an army of Einsteins flee, tails between their legs. And then they expect me, a mere mortal, to get through this ...

... time to listen to some mind-numbing Meshuggah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aahhh seems like my kinda thing...waise very interesting posts...