Monday, April 16, 2007

The Daniel Adair trick

This blog is drumming related, but no fear all my non drum-bum chums, its easy reading ... so go ahead and read it, but heck, if you're not interested, who has the friggin' time to read a stupid blog anyways??!!

I discovered the secret to the Daniel Adair trick today! A major breakthrough for the propagation of my progeny and a truly hallmark event in the pathetic life of mankind, I would say!

For those of you who don't know who Daniel Adair is, he is the new drumming force behind Nickelback, besides also playing for Mississippi alternative rockers, 3 Doors Down, and progressive past master, Dave Martone. I caught a glimpse of the Daniel Adair trick for the first time in the video of Nickelback's super hit single "Photograph", from their "All the right reasons" album. What happens is, in the snare drum roll, just before the chorus, he kinda makes his right stick do a, seemingly effortless, 360 degree turn, before hitting the crashes. Now a lot of drummers have their own trademark and imagination-balking stick tricks, so you'd be wondering why my particular interest in Daniel Adair? Well you could blame it on HER. SHE listens to 3 Doors Down, and since I had never heard the band before, I downloaded a couple of Daniel's drum solo videos with the band, to check out what kind of stuff they play, and saw, to my utter consternation, him doing the same trick. This naturally aroused my curiosity, as to how he did it, and so a couple of VLC replays (at one-eighth speed!) later, I managed to discover the secret behind the Daniel Adair trick. Here is it ladies and gentlemen:
Just as you are raising your right arm to hit the crashes, completely slacken your grip on your stick. As a result the stick starts falling down, the head facing downwards with the other end touching your palm. When the stick is near about vertically downward facing, with the head pointing downwards, and the other end still just brushing your palm, give it a twiddling, but firm, thrust towards the left with your pinkey and ring finger, so that it now changes direction of rotation and starts rotating towards the left in a clockwise manner. Now, when it reaches its peak of the rotation, i.e, the head pointing vertically up and the other end, again, just brushing your palm, snap your grip back onto the stick and get it back into position just in time to play the crashes!
Viola!!! The Daniel Adair stick trick ... so delightful to see, so incredibly simple to understand and so damn difficult to do!
Thank you! Thank you! You are too kind! Gracias! Gracias!

Daniel Adair is one of the finest drummers I've ever seen. He's also one of the few drummers to be blessed with killer looks, which is why millions of chicks, across the world, are mad about him. He is also a very honest, sincere, humble and down to earth person. I'll leave you with a brilliant saying of his: "The harder you work, the luckier you get!".

1 comment:

D said...

YES! YES! YES!!!! Now that the secrets of the Daniel Adair trick has been revealed, nothing can stop me now from conquering the world!!!!!!!

and who is SHE?

ps: good saying, btw