Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nice guys finish last

With due regards to Stanley Ibkiz from the Mask!

Hi! My name is Shamir and I'm a nice guy. Well at least that's what I think I am ... a nice guy. I lead a normal life; I have never been bad to anyone; I make the occasional mistake, but "to err is human", and so, much as though I may be chagrined to committing a mistake, you could forgive me for making them, because I am but human. I have made a lot of mistakes in the past, but have learned from them, and am working on making sure they never occur again. In my opinion my life is at somewhat of a crossroads ... I think I am undergoing a personal renaissance, of sorts.
As a kid, I used to be a tremendous nature enthusiast; I used to rescue so many animal and bird babies from their untimely deaths (if you want to know, and you have time, I will show you their pictures and tell you their stories sometime!) ... I LOVE dogs, and can't remember any point of my life where I didn't have dogs. As a kid, I used to go on nature exploring expeditions with Dad; I've even crafted a raft out of bamboo shoot, with my brother Robin, and set afloat on it, undauntedly! I have traveled all parts of the country and have had an invigorating mix of exposures to many cultures. I have been brought up as a defence kid, and as such have a sense of military pride, respect for our nation's heroic soldiers, hatred for the corrupt politicians that send them to war, and above all, the privilege of being brought up in a very cosmopolitan environment. I used to read a lot too, as a kid ... lots of stuff: Richmal Crompton, Wodehouse and Williard Price were among my favourite authors. I was an incredibly gifted artist; I have won national level painting competitions, but my forte still remains sketching. I could draw a remarkably accurate sketch of anything, with just a couple of strokes and no eraser. I have been a damn good student all my life, not just academically, but in other aspects too ... like punctuality, tidiness, regularity, extracurriculars. I used to be a very good singer: I once set the girls of junior school hysterical (of sorts!) , with my rendition of the Scorpions' "Holiday" ... an all time favourite classic single of mine. I have always loved my parents and family beyond compare ... and always will.
Somewhere down the line, I lost it all ... I became this useless, good-for-nothing wreck ... meandering about aimlessly like a misguided maverick. But suddenly then, it all came back ... in a flash! The inspiration, the drive, the earnestness ... it all just came back to me all of a sudden. I am getting back to what I used to be. I am going back to my past and rediscovering what I had lost. Right now, right here ... I stand ... in front of you. If you know me, then you know who I am ... I am not a showoff. I'm not gonna make you see what I am, I expect you to see me in my true form. I am not a showoff. No way ... no! In fact show-off is far from what I am. I am now an introvert; a bit of a recluse, if you should say so; I bring nothing to the table, nothing. I have my friends and they know who and what I am. I love all of them for who they are, and respect them. I used to have prejudices against some, but now I have none ... I have only love and respect for them in my heart ... all of them. I think I have now become a good person ... if only you know me, you'll get to know that I am a nice guy after all.
Well so here I am, Shamir; and here I stand, feeling lost as a sheep without its shepperd ... a buoy afloat in turbulent ocean ... I am dazed by turmoil around me ... I see chances missed and my pleas for help ignored ... and when I see it, I do not have any regret, or anger in my heart ... just a wee bit of sadness; sadness that no one will come and pull me out of this whirlpool, whose vortex I am spiralling towards. There were I couple of times when I thought there was someone, but alas I guess not! So it is with sadness and a bit of heaviness of heart, that I stand here and appeal to you ... if you are nice person, then please don't go just by face value, and help me out. Cause if you do that, then you'll be one of the few who will realise that I'm just a nice guy ...
... and nice guys end up last.

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