Friday, April 20, 2007

A song for all seasons

The name "Glasgow Kiss", when I first heard it, struck me as a song archetypal of Scottish romanticism and mystery, and indeed, it did not fail me, when I heard the song for the first time. I fell in love with the song right then and there! John Petrucci (of the Dream Theater fame) is a master if the guitar, but little does it become so very clear when you listen to this number. The song is masterful in every sense of the word, and IMO conveys the entire gamut of emotions a human can ever have; love, romance, mystery, suspense, mellow, tragedy, repentance, recovery, resurrection are just some of the few terms that come to my mind when I listen to this song, which truly makes it a song for all seasons. Just listen to this song: Petrucci's versatility and mastery of his instrument becomes so very obvious. Whether it is his fantastic tones, speed-of-light picking or just his mind boggling sense of melody and phrasing, all are present in enough quantities to satiate your soul, well enmeshed with a rather spiriting Scottish tune. Mike Portnoy also does a splendid job of giving a really catchy, yet powerful groove to the song well complemented by Dave LaRue's bass lines.
And I can swear by the song. It has seen me through some of my most trying times and I have always come out of listening to it, with a positive frame of mind, whatever the circumstances. So please do yourselves a favour and listen to "Glasgow Kiss" from John Petrucci's solo album "Suspended Animation" ... a song for all seasons.

PS:Another song for all seasons is "Waves" from Guthrie Govan's solo album "Erotic Cakes" ... this guy is bloody insane!

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