Sunday, November 27, 2016


I'm heading out, far out
I'm too far out for you to to hold me
Away from the safety of the shore
I'm swimming into this tide that's swallowing me
Gravity pulls me down the rabbit hole
It sure does go deep
You rage as I drift further away from you
You want be back as I do you too
But it's calm here
In the eye of the storm

Monday, November 14, 2016


I know I am a part of this evolving
Eternal cosmos
I am a spark of white
One of the billions that shape it
But the sparks that really have an impact
Are those which are self-conscious
Of a deterministic identity
And that is what I lack
I feel it somewhere deep down inside of me
But is too little
The blue eyed Scotsmen that I am descended from
Maybe Irishmen, who knows?
I am of this land
Yet I feel apart
A stranger, a foreigner in my own land
A beautiful land with beautiful people
People who I wish to call my own
But cannot relate to
I wish to be with my tribe
With my people
With my brothers
And fight alongside them in this hour of need
Who knows, what the future holds
And where this constantly evolving cosmos takes us
But I'd like to remind you o' my noble brothers
Remember who you are descended from
And fight to make their memory
Their deeds, their blood, their actions
Eternally enshrined in the evolving cosmos
Remember, your identity
The identity I can only savour the tiniest fragrance of

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Dear Mama
I'm so sorry for coming home late tonight
But there was not need for you to have slept
In the drawing room where I sleep
Just so that I could get a good nights sleep
After a night of drunken escapism
Dear Mama
The next time
Please give me a bit of your selflessness

Goodbye Love

Dear love
What have they done to you?
You are no longer an emotion worthy to aspire to
You are an emotion to be ridiculed
They know deep inside that you are noble
That you are natural and sublime, spontaneous
Yet they fight to defy you against their inner instincts
Today I watched as two friends
Were so ridiculed for being in love
That they crumbled to the pressure
To declare that they only lusted for each
And nothing more
Fuck knows if this will last
But it was so blatantly obvious that it was you
You Love, that they were experiencing
Why have we forsaken you?
Why are you something to be ashamed of?
I have bid you farewell for other reasons
But not this
And in my heart of hearts I look forward
To embracing with open arms
The time when I can love again