Sunday, October 30, 2016


With awkward smiles
Pretending to enjoy our drinks
Feigning amusement at silly jokes
Mostly at the expense of others
Some you dare to insinuate at me
You watch my laughter but see me rage
You're scared and I'm calculating 
What to say next that can work
That can fill up the next delicate hour
And in the time taken to calculate
Losing the moment
You can't look me in the eye
Nor can I you; it's difficult to do so
When we both know
That on this beautiful evening in the fall
You betrayed me and I betrayed you


Disillusionment has set in
I know coming from me it breaks your heart
But it is what it is
No more fighting
No more debating
No more negotiating
No more cutting corners
It's time to unplug ourselves from this system
And I choose to accept reality
Hope is a noble thought, yes I know
And we must always hope
But this time hope will be substituted
With the silence that precedes action
You now have two choices my love
To join me on my journey
Or face the consequences

Friday, October 28, 2016

Moral relativism

What have we come to my love?
And where do we go from here?
Nothing is absolute
No more black and white, only vague shades of grey
The sacred is laughable
Meant only for gullible lesser beings
Oh we're so high up in the stratosphere
These wings make us feel so light
Daughters are mothers
Sons are fathers
Parents are children
Men are women and women are men
Nothing to look forward to
Nothing to look back at
Oh I forgot my love
I flushed our love down the toilet
Dying fish gasping for life
In an amoral sea of vacuousness
It's getting dark now my love
I think the tide is coming in to swallow us


Music touched the soul of the lost pilgrim
A Renaissance Man in search of a higher truth
A reason to be, an art to worship
Skills honed to perfection
Every note electrifies his raw nerves
Every note makes him write in pain
But in the end he tells me
There is nothing like the sound of the morning bulbul

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mehrauli nights

As I zip down this empty road at midnight
Full throttle on the pedal
Tearing forward and not looking back
I own everything
Every intersection, every sidewalk
Every curve, every bend
I have everything
The car, the speed, the smell of burning rubber
We exchange knowing glances of betrayal
And I know I do not have you

When my time comes

When my time comes
Do not weep or mourn me
Do not succumb to weakness
Cherish every moment I spent with you
And remind yourself
That every moment is but transient
When my time comes
Remember that it was my choice
It was meant to be
It was my destiny that I myself created
With a pair of broken but warm hands
And I looked forward to it
That I embraced wholeheartedly
For it was my time